
BEST – School theater in the Canton of Graubünden

BEST – Bündner Schultheater stands for professional, participatory theatre productions at schools in the Canton of Graubünden. Students address a topic or a story and with technical support from drama teachers develop their own theatre productions. The participants get involved in the development in their own way, putting forward their personal views, interests and issues.
Where regular theatre projects end is where the highpoint of the project begins: at the “BEST Festival” 15 school classes stage their productions to each other and take a critical look to each other’s pieces and their own work.
The project partner firmly establishes drama within the schools and creates an innovative offering for school classes in the Bündner region. The bases for this are drawn up as part of pilot phase.

Partner: Theater Chur
Region: Chur and Canton of Graubünden
Duration: 10 months
Current Status: completed