

ERADA (meaning “determination”) strives to increase the economic empowerment and social inclusion of marginalised women with disabilities in the locations of Greater Cairo, Fayoum, and Aswan. Thereby, the household income of women with disabilities is enhanced through the creation of inclusive employment opportunities.

The partner collaborates with local organisations to reinforce the personal and technical skills of women with disabilities as well as to diversify their income-generating activities and engage them in services along specific value chains such as needlework, woodcraft and pottery. To safeguard continued growth, the women also have access to financial and marketing services. The partner collaborates with the National Council for Disabilities and three local NGOs including Women with Disabilities to enable a supportive ecosystem and to ensure sustainability.

Partner: Association for Women’s Total Advancement and Development
Region: Greater Cairo, Fayoum, Aswan
Duration: 3 years
Current Status: ongoing