

GrooveRoom is a music project for around 150 young people aged 12 to 25 who are in the penal system or social-pedagogical institutions. The aim of the project is to improve the offer of low-threshold music-based educational services for young people in challenging situations.

In three institutions in the cantons of Basel-Stadt and Baselland, the partner is developing and testing an innovative offer for electronic music production. Here, a mobile recording studio travels to the institutions to teach the young people about the possibilities of analogue and digital music production. This teaching is on site and under professional guidance. In a participative process, the young people are thus able to participate in the development of a song alongside professional musicians over a period of 8 months. The song is then published on social media.

Thereby, the young people are empowered to work independently and in a reflective manner, and to experience their creativity more fully. The musical work also fosters their self-confidence.

Workshops are also held on a monthly basis outside the walls of the institution as a follow-up offer for young people with a particular interest in the musical projects.

Partner: Verein HitProducer
Region: Baselstadt / Baselland
Duration: 30 months
Current Status: completed