
Maharat (Skills) – Boosting Employment in the Field of Technical Arts Production

A vibrant arts and culture sector requires more than dedicated artists – it needs skilled technical professionals to create an environment that enables high-quality artistic production. The project provides opportunities for 130 young professionals to learn production-related technical skills that are directly transferrable to the job market in Lebanon, enabling them to earn a living through working in arts production, or related fields. In addition, a unique e-library provides access to production-related resources in Arabic to strengthen technical skills and expertise. A job platform, specialising in connecting employers with job-seekers in the arts production sector, is established to facilitate opportunities for employment, collaboration and sharing of knowledge. The project strengthens the overall level of professionalism of the Lebanese arts sector by expanding the resource base, and facilitates access to information.

Partner: Ettijahat
Region: Beirut
Duration: 4 years
Current Status: ongoing