
SHINE: Promoting Self-reliance to Regain Agency – East Amman Livelihoods Development Project (EALDP)

In this project, the partner organisation Collateral Repair Project (CRP) engages 150 young people from refugee and host communities in East Amman in an upskilling endeavour, equipping the participants with skills to promote their agency and strengthen their self-reliance. The project includes two main activities:

Upcycling: 60 young women and men are engaged in manufacturing, production and sales of upcycled furniture and handmade items.

Home maintenance: 90 participants take part in high-quality, intensive technical home maintenance and soft skills training, in addition to business skills training that facilitates their transition into self-employment. Once trained, the home maintenance professionals complete guided apprenticeships during which they conduct home maintenance work in 90 houses of vulnerable community members.

Over 1’000 community members are expected to benefit from this intervention through improved housing conditions and an enhanced sense of community cohesion. A digital application will enable households to hire a local professional to fix maintenance issues and for newly trained professionals to be connected to jobs.

Partner: Collateral Repair Project (CRP)
Region: Amman, Jordan
Duration: 3 years
Current Status: ongoing