
Space for Cultural Participation– 5elements

Since 2019, greater form has operated a “space for cultural participation” in the Grünau district of Leipzig. The artistic practice pursued in this space is founded on the establishment of trust through long-term relationship-building and on the participatory involvement of children and young people in all decision-making processes. The children that take part develop artistic results such as exhibitions, performances or video clips on an independent basis.

The pilot project is working towards an expansion and professionalisation of the existing programme and is opening up spaces for experimentation. New formats are created in the evening sessions as well as mobile or temporary campaigns that are aimed at addressing a broader group of participants in the urban area. Throughout, the network of municipal social and educational institutions in Grünau is being expanded and toolkits on artistic methods are being developed.

Partner: GIRO e.V. / greater form
Region: Saxony
Duration: 1 year 4 month
Current Status: completed