
Support for microenterprises

75 people from socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds will receive support to set up microenterprises that employ one to three people. Specialist consultants will provide training and individual coaching to help participants turn their business idea into a business plan and establish their very own microenterprise.
A co-working space with internet access and reference materials promotes effective networking and exchange between the participants and others. Local and regional economic players such as the Jenin Chamber of Commerce will support the project and offer additional technical or financial support as well as industry contacts.
Drosos Foundation also supported an earlier project run by this partner organisation between 2011 and 2013, which aimed to develop 30 microenterprises for people with disabilities. The project successfully led to job creation and promoted the social integration.

Partner: Palestinian Consultative Staff for Developing NGOs
Region: Jenin
Duration: 4 years
Current Status: completed