
Youth circus as a culture magnet

The city of Jena is growing and the Youth Circus Momolo – which has been active in Jena for many years – is growing with it. The circus tent is already a well-established venue for inspirational work with young people. As part of a lighthouse-style project, this cultural and educational institution will now be expanded beyond the city itself to become a cultural magnet. The existing youth work will be complemented by multi-disciplinary courses and technical workshops. Young people participating in the project’s circus, music and theatre courses will receive guidance to help them create their own productions.
After a while, particularly keen participants will be given the tools they need to run courses themselves. Participation in the project will prepare the young people for a successful transition between school and the world of work.
In addition to the project work, Drosos Foundation help the association develop its organisational structure in order to secure long-term funding for further educational activities after the conclusion of the project.


Partner: MoMoLo e.V.
Region: Thuringia
Duration: 4 years
Current Status: ongoing